Yoga For Diabetes: 7 Effective Poses To Control Blood Sugar

Yoga is good for your mind and body. The blood pressure goes down, and the blood flow gets better. For diabetes, you can also do some yoga moves as well. If you do yoga often, you’re less likely to have other health problems. Being able to handle diabetes better and live a better life can be helped by these simple yoga moves.

Yoga Poses To Handle Diabetes

Supported Shoulder Stand

The high shoulder stand makes more blood flow to the thyroid gland. It also eases stress and makes you feel better. You can also work out your quads, trapezius, and rectus abdominis with this yoga move.

How To Do It:

  • Your back should touch the ground as you lie flat on the yoga mat. Fold up a blanket.
  • Line up one end of the blanket with your shoulders.
  • Place your arms next to your body so that the palms of your hands are facing down.
  • Keep your back straight. Keep your back straight.
  • Lift your legs and hold your lower back with one hand. Make a straight line between the pain in your hip and shoulder.
  • As long as you stay in this pose, don’t move.
  • Roll back slowly to where you began.

Legs-up-the-wall Pose

It eases pain, lowers blood sugar, and makes you feel better. Works out the back of the body, the legs, the front of the chest, and the back of the neck.

How To Do It:

  • While you’re on your back, put the wall against your right side.
  • Lay on your back with your back flat on the ground.
  • Move your legs up the wall slowly until they are straight up against it.
  • Back up against the wall.
  • There shouldn’t be anything in your neck, chin, or throat.
  • Put your arms out to the sides so that the palms of your hands are facing up.
  • Stay in this pose for 15 minutes, and then slowly move back to the beginning.

Bow Pose

When you bend forward, your chest opens up, and the organs in your belly get stronger. The lung and bowel problems get better, and the blood sugar level drops. This pose can also help you tone your quads, legs, and gluteus maximus.

How To Do It:

  • Lay on your back on the mat.
  • Hold your arms out in front of you.
  • Put your hands on the outside of your feet and bend both knees.
  • Lift your head, knees, and hips.
  • Take a deep breath and look ahead.
  • Hold this pose for one minute.
  • Relax and take a deep breath.

Supine Spinal Twist

You’re turning around and getting cooler. This pose is good for both the gut glands and the blood sugar. If your back, neck, or hips hurt or feel stiff, this pose can help. When you lie on your back and twist your spine, your neck, shoulders, erector spinae, and rectus abdominis all get stronger.

How To Do It:

  • Get down on your back on the mat.
  • Stand with your legs close to your chest.
  • Move your knees to the left side of your body slowly.
  • Your knees should be level with your hips and close to each other.
  • With your left hand, you can push a little on your knees.
  • Hold this pose for one minute.
  • Do the same things over there.

Plow Pose

One good thing about this pose is that it makes you turn over. It speeds up your heartbeat and clears your mind. It can also help with back pain, headaches, and trouble sleeping. Your hips, shoulder joint, as well as upper back all get stronger as you do the Plough pose.

How To Do It:

  • To do this move better, you should be in a shoulder stand.
  • Bring both feet to the floor above your head from the Shoulder Stand.
  • Maybe you can’t touch the ground at first. A pillow or a block can help you.
  • Stand back up and put your hands behind your back.
  • Stand there like this for five minutes.
  • Lay on the floor with your back flat and your legs spread out to the side. This will help you take longer to get out of the pose.
  • Now, put your leg back on the ground slowly.

The Child Pose

Your body gets more insulin and you feel better in this pose. It also helps with back and neck pain and stress. When you do the kid pose, your shin muscles, legs, as well as the muscles that make your back straight get stronger.

How To Do It:

  • On the yoga mat, there should be about the same amount of space between your knees and hips.
  • Pull your behind down to your feet and lean back.
  • Put a cushion on your knees and legs if you need more help.
  • Lean forward and put your head on the floor.
  • Face your palms up and stretch both arms out in front of you. Rest them next to your body.
  • Stand there like this for five minutes.
  • After letting go, pull yourself up to sit down.

The Corpse Pose:

After doing the moves above, rest your body in the Corpse pose. During this yoga stretch, your mind and heart rate slow down. The Corpse can help you sleep if you can’t fall asleep, are tired, or have headaches.

How To Do It:

  • Put your back flat on the mat. The space between your feet should be about the width of your hips.
  • Hold your hands up and keep your arms close to your body.
  • There shouldn’t be any curves in your stomach.
  • Make a Y with your body.
  • To begin, relax your body. Next, press down on the floor. Get rid of all your stress.
  • You should stay in this pose for ten to fifteen minutes.

Being fit, having good blood sugar, and having less fat will all improve if you do yoga every day. Yoga also improves brain and sympathetic nervous system function and lowers blood pressure and reaction stress. To stay healthy and take care of your diabetes, do yoga every day for at least 10 minutes.

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